How to use the terminology database

You can search for the term you are interested in by entering the search word(s) into the entry field on the left side of the start page and click on the field „search“. Below it you will see the list of hits (entries that contain the query). If you click at one of it, in the right part of the screen the entire query will show, with all the data related to the query in question.

You can enter your query in any of the languages that the database contains. (Yet, if you use English or Serbian language, you will increase the chance of finalizing the query, since these two languages are mostly used in the database.)

In your query you can use supplementary symbols: It is possible to use a combination of wildcards (e.g., query *rights$ will give you the list of hits with terms that end in the word rights, and query %organi?ation$ will give you the terms of the combination of other words with the word organisation/organization).

By simple query, without wildcards, you will get the list of hits that will have your query listed in any number of combinations and in any position in that combination.