Using the Terminology analyser programme

Type in a word, a sequence of words or any text in the Terminology analyser entry field, in either English or BHS language.

When selecting a language (English or BHS) in the menu Source language, placed under the main menu, and pressing the Process key, the program will analyse the text and mark those parts of the text ("terms") that exist in the BiHterm terminology database. These terms will be transformed into hypertext links towards BiHterm and by clicking a particular link, detailed information on this term can be obtained.

Program can process two types of text: monolingual text and bilingual text (segmented in Trados). First type of text analysis can be useful for translators, even before translation, since it is making links to the existing terms from BiHterm database, with the degree of reliability and other useful information. Other type of analysis can greatly facilitate the search of new terms that should be incorporated in the terminological database, so in that sense it is a great terminological aid.

Program has three types of output:

  • monolingual output,
  • bilingual output, tabular format, one segment per cell,
  • bilingual output, tabular format, one segment per cell, one term per line.

    For all suggestions, recommendations, comments and questions, feel free to contact the Methodology and Terminology Department of the Directorate for European Integration of BiH: Ms or the author of the program Mr